For every present gene, function "meNet_singleGene" is called and the resulting network is a union of the single-gene networks. (Optional) weights are chromosomal distances.
meNet_gene( cg_list = NULL, gene_list = NULL, weighted = TRUE, link_method = "twoLyr_clust", cor_matrix = NULL, data = NULL, cor_normalization_fun = max_normalization, dist_normalization_fun = neg_max_normalization, cor_threshold = 0.2, neg_cor_threshold = NULL, cor_stDev = NULL, cor_alpha = NULL, n_repetitions = 1000, alternative = "two_sided", infomap_call = "infomap", folder = "./meNet/", file_basename = "meNet_CGI_infomap", relaxation_rate = 0.15, cgGene_meta = data("CpG_genes", package = "meNet"), cgGene_meta_cols = list(cg_id = "IlmnID", cg_coord = "MAPINFO", gene_id = "UCSC_RefGene_Name", gene_region = "UCSC_RefGene_Group"), gene_regions = c("Promoter", "Body", "3'UTR"), expand_cg_list = FALSE, normalization_fun = NULL, save_all_files = FALSE, delete_files = FALSE )
cg_list |
if both cg_list and gene_list are given, we merge both lists; in the human genome" by J. Sandoval et al.