Beta values measured by Illumina HM450K microarray for 87 samples obtained by Bacalini et al. (Bacalini et al. 2015) . Data set has family-based structure with the aim to study the effect of Down syndrome on the methylation signature. 29 Down syndrome patients were included in the study together with a mother and one unaffected sibling. `meNet::Bacalini_betaValues` data frame is a subset of the original data set containing CpG sites from chromosome 21.



A data frame with 3536 rows and 87 columns. Row names are unique CpG identifiers from the Illumina CG database. Column names are unique sample identifiers further described in `meNet::Bacalini_sampleSheet`.


Original data set was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) data repository as a data set with accession number GSE52588


Some CpG sites from chromosome 21 are not included. They may be omitted in the original data set or removed due to bad performance. Moreover, CpG sites are the same as in the `meNet::Johansson_residuals` data set and thus only the intersection of measured CpGs remains.


Bacalini MG, Gentilini D, Boattini A, Giampieri E, Pirazzini C, Giuliani C, Fontanesi E, Scurti M, Remondini D, Capri M, others (2015). “Identification of a DNA methylation signature in blood cells from persons with Down Syndrome.” Aging (Albany NY), 7(2), 82.