Returns a data frame with description of each Venn diagram region.

  by = "element",
  columns_to_keep = NULL,
  only_counts = FALSE



A list of sets. Sets must be vectors or data frames. If they are given as data frames, an argument "by" must be specified.


The name of elements in Venn diagram. If sets are data frames, it specifies a column used to construct Venn regions. Default value is "element".


Defines which columns of data frames to keep in the result data frame. If NULL, only "by" column is kept. If "all", all columns are kept. Defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, instead of data frame function returns only number of elements in each Venn region. Defaults to FALSE.


A data frame of all elements from Venn regions. Column named with "by" argument lists all elements from union of all sets. Column "venn_region" is a corresponding disjoint Venn region to which the element belongs. Intersections are described with "&" character between sets' names. Additional columns are defined with "column_to_keep" argument. If argument "only_counts" is TRUE, instead of data frame, the function returns a elements in each Venn region.


This function gives a detailed explanation of each Venn diagram region. Sets can be given as list of vectors or as list of data frames. In case of data frames, the column "by" defines elements of Venn diagram. The result is a data frame with all elements listed in rows and column "venn_region" specifying the corresponding Venn region for each element. The additional columns of given data frames can be used to further describe each element of Venn regions, as specified by "columns_to_keep". In case the specified column for an element has the same value in all data frames, a unique value will be returned. Otherwise, all values are returned.
If instead of detailed description, we wish to know only number of elements in each Venn diagram region, we should set argument "only_counts" to TRUE.